Funeral and Memorial service: 2 November 2015

With sadness but with beautiful memories, we bid farewell to

In 2006

Dietrich Max Fischer
22 September 1941 – 18 October 2015

A funeral and memorial service for Dietrich will be held Monday 2 November 2015 in Münsingen, Switzerland, his birthplace and childhood hometown:

10:30 Funeral
Friedhof Münsingen, starting in the Aufbahrungshalle (mortuary)
entrance at the corner of Eichenweg and Löwenmattweg, or opposite Bernstrasse 37

followed at about 11:00 by a Memorial Service
Schlossgut Gemindesaal

a lunch buffet will be offered after the Memorial Service

RSVP please to Dieter’s son Albert by e-mail to

Dietrich was very attached to his many students over the years. Memorial contributions can be made to support tuition at Transcend Peace University through this donations page »

Travelling to Münsingen

The closest airports are Zürich (ZRH) and Basel (BSL). Münsingen can be reached by train with a change in Bern in less than two hours from each airport. Hotels can be found in Bern (less than 15 minutes away by train). In Münsingen, the cemetery is a 15 minute walk from the train station (1 km), and the Schlossgut is a few minutes walk (250 m) from the train station.

One thought on “Funeral and Memorial service: 2 November 2015”

  1. In memory of you dear Dietrich

    The first time we met I still remember as it was yesterday. It was 2009 at the World Peace Academy which was located at the Tellstrasse in the “temporary” site at this time.

    Vera & me where looking for cooperation partners for our peace-work-project with the “Gaza Freedom- March”. So we decided to pass by the “new” founded Peace Academy to get a first-hand impression.
    We just got to the “garden” gate as Dietrich walked towards us with a big smile and open arms to welcome us. First we thought that he must have mistaken us for someone else. But we quickly realized that this is Dietrich – an open and warm person. We were so overwhelmed that we spontaneously followed his invitation to coffee and cake. We also got to know his assistant Natalia (we are not sure anymore if that was her name). We had an in-depth and truly heart-warming conversation with many following exchanges. Due to the contact with Dietrich we also got the wonderful opportunity to get to know Johan Galtung in one of his seminars (The fall of the American Empire).

    Like life goes, after the birth of our son we never saw us in person again. Most of our contact was then by E-Mail.

    Dear Dietrich your extraordinary personality, your stoic calmness, your wisdom and your humour will stay in our hearts. We are deeply grateful to have met you.

    Yours Vera & Siegfried Mikael

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